Sunday, April 10, 2016

Virgin Power

Sejak jaman dulu gadis perawan selalu jadi sebuah keistimewaan. Banyak para penyihir yang mengincar para perawan untuk diperkosa dan diambil keperawanannya. hal itu menimbulkan tanda tanya para ksatria dan pihak kerajaan. Ada apa dengan keperawanan?

Investigasi yang panjang dan kompleks pun dilakukan. Banyak penyihir ditangkap dan diinterogasi. Tapi mereka memilih bungkam. Sampai muncul serangan iblis yang pertama di grenada tahun 900 ad. Para iblis ini seakan akan tertarik dengan keperawanan. Mereka mengirim para assailant yang bertugas memperkosa para perawan dan mengumpulkan energi keperawanan. Salah satu assailant menyadari hal itu dan membelot. Dia mulai mengetahui bahwa keperawanan adalah sebuah energi. Energi misterius yang memiliki kekuatan untuk meningkatkan level tenaga gaib si pengguna. Tenaga yang digunakan para iblis untuk melawan para malaikat dan menciptakan malaikat palsu. Rupanya virgin power membawa radiasi murni yang dapat memurnikan energi gelap. Di tangan yang salah virgin power bisa jadi fatal.

Untuk mencegah hal itu pihak kerajaan membentuk polisi khusus pemerkosaan dan menjodohkan tiap perawan agar kekuatan tersebut tidak dapat diextract oleh para iblis. Hal itu berlaku hingga sekarang. Walau begitu kekuatan ini masih diteliti. Kekuatan apa yang sebenarnya terkandung dalam keperawanan.

Manhunt Uncensored Ps5

Crazy, that's the comment from gamers who first play this hardcore game. Z- crew as a developer has got permission and licenses from gamearts to make slasher games with high level of violence. This game is made simple without cinematic cutscenes or slow motion. All the scene running in real time without any slowdown. Then welcome in the game that will make you vomit. Game which is unsuitable for the weak.

This game aims to relieve stress and to channel anger in a positive way. You can destroy anything in the game. Starting from the NPC, tables, chairs, goods, or even walls. NPC was not limited to only the enemy, but men, women, children, or animals. There are a lot of tools and weapons that can be modified, merged, or customized for use. If still not enough, all environment could be used such as wood, pipes, chairs, dishes, even a spoon and fork.

Survival styled status
In accordance original purpose, this game designed psychologically for gamers know how to control anger and depression. The complex health system but friendly interface can help gamers to do not hurt himself when angry. There are no health point system but rather body stats. Gamers should pay attention to the body ranging from the head to the feet. If the head hurt will affect the awareness and it badly for a variety of action especially stealth. While if the foot of the player will be a limp and difficult running. It was bad if the player is being pursued. If the body player had too many wounds, certainly will die in the near future. unless if gamers can find healing items. There are many available healing items for selection. Starting from the bandages, first aid kit, until the complex pharmaceutical drugs for many purposes.
Crafting everything
Unlike other action game that stick on the inventory system is that getting stronger. In this game gamer can maintain his favorite inventory until the end. Because there is no significant difference function. Because each inventory have their respective functions. to strengthen the inventory, there is crafting system to merge a variety of inventory to make better items. Valid for healing items. There are many drugs that can be combined to create potions. Like potion of regeneration that can make player heal wounds quickly, or adrenaline pill for extra energy.

Panorama The Game Ps5

This is game about camera. You are amateur photographer who feel bored with ordinary photos. You then backpacking to wild nature to obtain extraordinary panorama. Prepare your camera and start hunting!

Nature photographer
A team compete collecting point by shoot nature and wild life.

Buying equipment
You can make money from your ingame internet like blog or selling photo. Use money to buy new camera, survival kit, or portable wifi, and many more.

Herbs mixing activity
Learn and find plants on nature that can be eaten or mix to be medicine. Educative game which train gamer how to survive on nature.

Study about nature animal or plants via electronic information source. In game smartphone features.

Natural realistic conflict
Real and normal conflict in game from team rivalry or animal attack. And disease. Real challenges for survival game.

Relaxing and real bgm
Pure music from in game smartphone. No bgm to increase realism. You should stop music to avoid predator. Plus nature sound as relaxation.

Human error conflict
To expand story. There is enemy and boss from city company that want destroy nature and kill animal. Player must protect nature and stop that crazy corruptor.

Deep mystery
To make game deeper. There are many mysterious thing on nature. Weird ruins, unknown shadow. Many easter egg added to make game more fun. Game played with gamer psychology.