Saturday, April 9, 2016

Grenada Story #1

This planet is huge. Four time bigger than earth. I dont know where to start. So i will start randomly. And post update history gap little by little. If you are really interested with this planet please support me and comment what i should post next.
Lets forget about grenada history. Because its chronology is a bit similar with earth (to make it easy). Except for who, when and how. Calender and other science details on this planet found by humans scientist community with help of aliens. They are working together to build this green planet to make it comfortable to live. And yes there are no flat earth theory and that such thing. On about year 1 to 100, first century. This planet is really busy. Many species from many planets is depart and landed on grenada. With their own purpose. Some species is declaring war and some species want stay on unexplored continent. Do i have to draw map? No, that's hard. I am not typographer.
Alex (grenada story primary character) anchestor is coming. They are ranger race. Ranger is some kind superhuman race from grenada neighbor planet, finalroom. Some aliens destroy that planet like krypton on superman. So this ranger race is evacuating to grenada and stay there. Make civilization and live in peace with human. And since that there are no nearby living planet from grenada. Nearest living planet is on another side of galaxy uniway. Inhabited by unknown race.
There are so many gap on grenada history. Because i'm not anthropolog or historian. Even i can't make good novel about this.
Short story, grenada is expanded like earth. Human cultural, alien affection, superhuman action. They live in peace like normal. Criminal, religion, secret society, etc. Similar like earth. Biggest language on grenada is sonic (english) from human and fantasy last(indonesian) from ranger. Maybe i will post about country sometime. While i move to primary character story. Alex saputra family from his ranger anchestor. And ars aresthus ad anken from planet zone. Ars is my core character. He is the god of the gods. Have four soul from four gods make him more powerfull than zeus. Also more difficult to live. I have to separated title ars adventures and grenada story. Ars adventures tell about ars and his adventures across universe and grenada story tell about upcoming event on grenada.
I am done. I'm not talented novelist. I hate long paragraph. So i will just post in short clear solid. Comment if you want more detail on some points. I will post about grenada story and ars adventures in hundreds section.

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