Monday, April 11, 2016

Silent Hill Ps5

One message from this game. Never explore forest alone.
That what joe feeled now. He is lost on forest, on a unknown hill because his carelessness. He is on the way to his mother village with car. But on middle way he is stop and interested with beautiful hill on afar. That is daytime, this hill is beautiful joe began to walk to that hill for resting. But joe misguided with distance from road. That hill is too far and while joe walking, the sun sets. its dark around since that forest doesn't have any light. The moon guide his way through forest. But that not an easy task. That forest is live and mysterious eyes lunges.

Dynamic features
You can't roam, pause, notetaking or do other things randomly. Because that will affect gameplay. What appear on screen, which path you choose, what word you write on smartphone will affect what you will face next. Example, if you write every road sign, that sign will appear on game but not without monster appear. And if call some number, you will face unexpected event. That all has one purpose, kill you.

Yes, smartphone is your primary toy. From there you can save progress, setting game and many more. There are many features to explore like music, games, notes, and etc. Just be careful to not stay at same place to long or ghost will bother you. And you should not open smartphone on wrong time or death is your.

Psychological enemies
Since your enemy is ghost and your head. There is nothing you can do other than run around and use correct apps on correct situation. Give attention to what your character said.

Branching story
Traditional silent hill multi ending still here. You can choose ending by doing something differently than before. And reveal who you are and why this is happen to you.

More selection
On many situation you will face a survey to reveal who you are little by little. From your gender, your hobby, your trait, your likes, to your face. That all runs from beginning of the game to the end of game. From there you will now more about you. You can use this game as your personality test.

Easter egg more easter egg
Not all features lead to story. Many other features is in there for fun only. For jokes or extra achievement to make this game rich of content. Some example you can open booble play (not typo) on your smartphone and download morecraft game and play it (easter egg not typo). Don't forget to find signal ingame before goes online.

So are you ready to test your bravery? Find a car and go to silent hill.

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